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Koalas have been declared endangered this year. This collection is based on love for these cute animals. I dream that koalas could fly to another planet away from people, where they could establish their own civilization. If you like my collection, I plan to continue it. P.s. For everyone who buys at least one picture, I will draw a portrait from a photo as a gift.

Lazy koala






This is the laziest and sleepiest koala. Her name is Sonya, she sleeps during the day and wants to walk at night. Therefore, in the evening she drinks a cup of her favorite coffee and goes out for night walks. Sonya is very fond of parties, dancing and meeting with friends. There are only good people in her environment, and the whole world that surrounds her is magical, without any problems and worries.

Lazy koala

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Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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