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The global statistic shows that each of us produces roughly 1.5 litres of rubbish daily, of which 60% are organic waste. A small family usually produces around 2.7 litres of organic waste every day. The problem is that most of the rubbish is not handled efficiently - most is thrown out at landfills, producing lots of methane gas and attracting parasites. The Composter Pot is the solution to solve the mentioned problem. Composter Pot imitates the nature ecosystem - the decomposed organic waste is immediately absorbed by the plant as nutrients. This prevents the organic waste to give out bad odours. The Composter Pot has 3 functions - planting, composting waste and decorating the house. When every building is equipped with Composter Pot, it would give a significant impact on waste management which could help slow down global warming. The plants would absorb CO2 and composting organic waste would prevent the emission of methane gas, which both are the major accelerators of greenhouse effect.

Composter Pot (Side)






The global statistic shows that each of us produces roughly 1.5 litres of rubbish daily, of which 60% are organic waste. A small family usually produces around 2.7 litres of organic waste every day. The problem is that most of the rubbish is not handled efficiently - most is thrown out at landfills, producing lots of methane gas and attracting parasites. The Composter Pot is the solution to solve the mentioned problem. Composter Pot imitates the nature ecosystem - the decomposed organic waste is immediately absorbed by the plant as nutrients. This prevents the organic waste to give out bad odours. The Composter Pot has 3 functions - planting, composting waste and decorating the house. When every building is equipped with Composter Pot, it would give a significant impact on waste management which could help slow down global warming. The plants would absorb CO2 and composting organic waste would prevent the emission of methane gas, which both are the major accelerators of the greenhouse effect.
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Composter Pot (Side)

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