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Every sketchbook is a doorway into Sketchotopia, an extra-dimensional reality where drawings come to life. Sketechotopia NFTs are the spirits that spring forth from this mystical land. Owning one brings fortune and prosperity to the imaginations of the world. The "sketchlings" of Sketchotopia exist in both physical and metaverse realities.

Sketchling #2


Within a globe of yellow ichor, the Sketchling Glob floated through the air. The Foolish Magus had summoned it as part of some experiment, but he never explained why he wanted it here. What was the purpose? The longer it went without knowing its mission or purpose for being here, the more agitated and frustrated it became. The creature eventually spotted someone wearing a blue robe and a silver crescent moon on their chest while observing the world from his floating prison. It was amazing when it realized it was a fellow mage from home, somehow transported to this place with it. It cried, "Hail! I am trapped!" It was instant recognition.

Sketchling #2

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Adresse de vente :51BB...kkXe
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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