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A collection of Africa’s most precious commodity, their Warrior Queens. Women who have shown great strength, intelligence, compassion and bravery. These women these Warrior Queens each have a unique and compelling story of how they showed bravery courage intellect and strength and how they have over come some of the worlds hardest issues. We are so proud to share their images and their story with you and the world.









Queen Nanzi, is the ultimate mother warrior queen. Wife to a beloved king whom she married in her mid teens he was twice her age. An arranged marriage to pay off a debt owed to the king from her corrupt parents, Nanzi found herself going from a home full of witch craft and bad experiences to a loving home with the king who grew to love her more than any of his other wives. From this union on her 21st birthday Nanzi gave birth to the kings first male heir, a baby boy born out a Love that would surpass time. Nanzi quickly learned that to be the best queen to her husband and to her people she had to be compassionate kind and considerate to each constituent, the people called her “nne eze nwanyi” mother queen as she was a mother to all. Nanzi rejected the memories and experiences from her earlier life with her parents which was no easy fight due to the deeply routed history of dark magic and witch craft. She had to defeat many demons, however sh stayed strong with the love of her husband and forged her own moral compass which she imparted this knowledge on to her son, who grows up to be the strongest and most successful leader making their homeland the most desirable villages and territory in the who of Africa.


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