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The Universe NFT is a component of the UNQ project. It is a collection of 10,000 NFTs that reflect various universe rules. The inspiration came from the Wolfram Physics project, and the idea is that every single piece of the universe was created by repeating a pretty basic formula. Every NFT has such a rule, and you start with it. Moreover, it evolves over time, and you can track its progress.

UNQ Universe | Escape #3921




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The Universe NFT is a component of the UNQ project. It is a collection of 10,000 NFTs that reflect various universe rules. The inspiration came from the Wolfram Physics project, and the idea is that every single piece of the universe was created by repeating a pretty basic formula. Every NFT has such a rule, and you start with it. Moreover, it evolves over time, and you can track its progress.


UNQ Universe | Escape #3921

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