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Each NFT is a photo of my private art journals. Most of these quotes are not easily found online. L. Ron Hubbard once said: “A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists.” This collection is an my effort in preserving my cult-ure.


“If we look deeply into all life, we will find that it consists of vibration; even atoms are not material in that sense. They are only energy forms which are patterns vibrating in a certain way so that they interact with our senses, and we feel something solid. But it is only solid to us because we are vibrating in that same band of frequencies.” -Christopher Hills, Nuclear Evolution

Rainbow Body

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Listé par : G7JY...QLfz
Adresse de vente :4VVf...R4kM
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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