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The Pocket Bitcoin Band will be a collection of 297 unique NFTs, in which you will discover musicians, actors, public and fictional characters. All from the prism of the same author who has created the exclusive collection of The Bitcoin Band. We have decided to set up our particular miniature party on the Solana blockchain, so that everyone can own our art. We are waiting for you at our party!

Emir Kusturica


is a Serbian film director, screenwriter, actor, producer and musician. He also has French citizenship. Kusturica is one of the most-distinguished European filmmakers since the mid-1980s, best known for surreal and naturalistic movies that express deep sympathies for people from the margins.

Emir Kusturica

Licence : Priv/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 15 %
Listé par : 8CeE...Hams
Adresse de vente :4Kdi...Lj2y
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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