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Nature has gifted Slovenia with many beautiful features. Its dynamic green landscape is mostly covered with forests, and in many places, grapevines grow on the sunny side of small hills. Slovenia is the third most forested country in Europe. Sense the natural harmony of lakes, rivers, mountains, hills, valleys, and karst caves. See the rich plant and animal world, meet the locals and learn about their customs, enjoy some authentic local food, find areas to relax in peace and quiet. Various green experiences allow you to get in touch with yourself in the midst of natural gems. I will be posting collections of pictures made in my home country, Slovenia. Hope you enjoy it! There will be 7 releases of 10 pictures (70 pictures) in this collection of Slovenia.

Storm clearing








This picture of a storm clearing was taken on a rainy day in early December. The storm, first of heavy rain and then with the showing of the sun, was happening around midday in Kamnik. This is a place where I have taken many pictures and which gave me this breathtaking view of a part of the Slovenian mountains.

Storm clearing

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