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I am a budding chess player. I will mint good chess games I have played live with an opponent and won as NFT (One everyday and publish it weekly). Please buy and own my games to support the sport and "not successful player". Fearing of losing is the one and only cause people will drop out of sports and take up professional life. There is a place and hierarchy to fit everyone according to their caliber in corporate world. No so in sports, if you are successful you will see the skies. But if you are "not so successful" then there is not much place you can fit in. You will be buried deep under. NFTs can become an oxygen for people like us and help us grow by supporting financially. Most of the chess games will turn out to be unique and only one in the history. Anyone can buy these really games where 2 people fought each other to be victorious. I completely believe sport NFTs like this will give more meaning to the NFTs market. I will continue to mint my good chess games which I have won as NFTs. I have lost many good games, but I will leave those to people who have won to claim it as their game.

Chess Collection 009


I am a budding chess player. This game is one of the good games I have played live with an opponent and won by checkmate. This is a rapid chess game (Each player gets 10 mins to finish). Please buy and own this game to support the sport and "not successful player". Fearing of losing is the one and only cause people will drop out of sports and take up professional life. There is a place and hierarchy to fit everyone according to their caliber in corporate world. No so in sports, if you are successful you will see the skies. But if you are "not so successful" then there is not much place you can fit in. You will be buried deep under. NFTs can become an oxygen for people like us and help us grow by supporting financially. Most of the chess games will turn out to be unique and only one in the history. Anyone can buy this really game where 2 people fought each other to be victorious. I completely believe sport NFTs like this will give more meaning to the NFTs market. I will continue to mint my good chess games which I have won as NFTs. I have lost many good games, but I will leave those to people who have won to claim it as their game.
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Chess Collection 009

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : BhSx...qFMy
Adresse de vente :3rBm...eZjq
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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