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A series of drawings that show my interpretation of people I've met through design and color. In each purchase you'll get a PDF with a bit of info about the project, an exclusive character and the meaning behind the composition. In a field ruled by technology, a human and personal appreciation. New characters every week.

Opportunistic Friend







Blue and Red



I hope you've never had a friend who'll act nice to manipulate you and gain something because I have, and it sucks, especially since you can discern whether you're being too paranoid/ judgemental or they suck and aren't your true friend. If you ever find yourself in this situation I'd advise you to just go with your intuition because energy never lies and these people won't feel sorry for their actions. With this NFT, you will get a PDF that contains an explanation of the project, the Opportunistic Friend character, and the meaning behind the colors I chose for this design. In a field ruled by technology, a human and personal appreciation.

Opportunistic Friend

Licence : Priv/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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