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The Yoruba Gods NFT project tells a powerful story of Africanism, but this time, the focus is on the Yorùbá culture. YG NFT 1.0: 5 out of the great 401 Yorùbá gods, here to remind YOU though flawed and human, YOU are perfect and a god, look within, all that YOU seek is inside YOU, Only IF YOU are ready. ARE YOU READY TO STEP TO YOUR GOD?

#Yemoja Mother's Happiness




Yemoja or Yemanjá, the Queen Mother, is a major water spirit from the Yoruba religion. She is the mother of all Orishas. Dance, water and prayers: celebrating the Queen Mother's happiness. #Yemoja Mother's Happiness

#Yemoja Mother's Happiness

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Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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