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NFTs collection of the most famous arts made by the genius Leonardo Da Vinci

Madonna Yarnwinder


The Madonna of the Yarnwinder (Italian: Madonna dei Fusi, "Madonna of the Spindles") is a subject depicted by Leonardo da Vinci in at least one, and perhaps two paintings begun in 1499 or later. Leonardo was recorded as being at work on one such picture in Florence in 1501 for Florimond Robertet, a secretary to King Louis XII of France. This may have been delivered to the French court in 1507, though scholars are divided on this point. The subject is known today from several versions of which two, called the Buccleuch Madonna and the Lansdowne Madonna, are thought to be partly by Leonardo's hand.
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Madonna Yarnwinder

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Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 7 %
Listé par : Cr8k...cyFt
Adresse de vente :38oZ...qz9N
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