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The Wise Ancients is a personal, non-corporate project by Exotic Flavor, a historical digital art agency. Exotic Flavor commissions various digital artworks based on different historical time periods and then mints them as NFTS so that they may be available to all historical lovers that are interested in collecting premium quality historical NFT designs. The Wise Ancients consists of 33 different NFTs - 32 portraits of ancient period philosophers, military geniuses, and other notable figures from the ancient world, in addition to 1 supreme collectible of all 32 ancient wisemen together with an immense background design. Please note that this is not an NFT project with features and utilities, but rather a minting and savoring of historical art collections over the blockchain. We have chosen Solana to let our most memorable artwork commissions live on for many generations to come.






Lyric Poet

Died Before

438 B.C

Pindar was an Ancient Greek lyric poet from Thebes. Of the canonical nine lyric poets of ancient Greece, his work is the best preserved. Quintilian wrote, "Of the nine lyric poets, Pindar is by far the greatest, in virtue of his inspired magnificence, the beauty of his thoughts and figures, the rich exuberance of his language and matter, and his rolling flood of eloquence, characteristics which, as Horace rightly held, make him inimitable." His poems can also, however, seem difficult and even peculiar. The Athenian comic playwright Eupolis once remarked that they "are already reduced to silence by the disinclination of the multitude for elegant learning". Some scholars in the modern age also found his poetry perplexing, at least until the 1896 discovery of some poems by his rival Bacchylides; comparisons of their work showed that many of Pindar's idiosyncrasies are typical of archaic genres rather than of only the poet himself. His poetry, while admired by critics, still challenges the casual reader and his work is largely unread among the general public. Lived Between: 6th to 5th centuries B.C (As with all our NFT collectibles, the preview image is only a low-quality, small-sized sample. Once you purchase the NFT, SolSea will automatically send you the full-size, premium quality, original image)
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Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 2.5 %
Adresse de vente :359M...qSSK
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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