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Once upon a time, in the depths of cyberspace, a group of visionary artists and technologists came together with a shared dream: to create a digital ecosystem where art, technology, and community converge. Thus, the KOSMOS Kool Apes were born, each one a masterpiece in its own right, crafted with love and infused with the spirit of innovation.

Kosmo Kool Apes, Just Chillin


Just Chillin


My Kosmo: Kool Ape is a laid-back, effortlessly cool ape with a love for chilling out. He's often found lounging in his favorite hammock, sunglasses on, without a care in the world. His relaxed vibe and easygoing nature make him a favorite in the Kosmo universe, where keeping cool is the way of life.

Kosmo Kool Apes, Just Chillin

Licence : NoFin/Resale
Monnayésur SolSea
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