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Each Pyramid is one of a kind and will never be in existence again. “These accounts of ‘lost’ or anomalous knowledge are building blocks of an alternative universe, and, taken altogether, they reveal something of the deep structure of this alternative universe. They also show that this universe made up of anomalies may be more real than the everyday, commonsensical one!” MARK BOOTH, AUTHOR OF THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD”

Sand Dune




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An axiom is a statement or a proposition that is regarded as already having been established. It’s taken as true. Something that is accepted and considered self-evident to most people. Now what could be a real problem is IF what that person takes as self evident is NOT actually what Is. Once you start to take ideas to people that aren't in keeping with what they already consider to be true, it's a very difficult barrier to break down between you and the other person that you're trying to explain information to. Woeih ep.1 #axiom #woeih💎 #whatonearthishappening #ageofaquarius♒ #knowing

Sand Dune

Licence : Pub/NonComm
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