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Aachoo NFT is a collection of 4900 NFTs. Each NFT is unique and provides ownership to the actual physical wall. Ever dreamed of owning an original Banksy piece? Or previously tried to secure ownership of this great artist's work? This may be your only chance to obtain a banksy. Or at least a part of one in NFT form. The Banksy artwork "Aachoo!!" which appeared on a house in Bristol at the end of 2020 depicts a woman sneezing so hard that she loses her false teeth.

Banksy Aachoo #4108


Aachoo NFT is a collection of 4900 NFTs. Each NFT is unique and provides ownership to the actual physical wall. Ever dreamed of owning an original Banksy piece? Or previously tried to secure ownership of this great artist's work? This may be your only chance to obtain a banksy. Or at least a part of one in NFT form. The Banksy artwork "Aachoo!!" which appeared on a house in Bristol at the end of 2020 depicts a woman sneezing so hard that she loses her false teeth.

Banksy Aachoo #4108

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Adresse de vente :14CM...KiSS
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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