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    Approvisionnement 1980



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    Angrymals! A crazy P2E inspired by Angry Birds, currently a fully playable game in the app store with P2E integration coming this year! Hold an NFT and get rewards while playing the game! You will take control of a team of three crazy Angrymals garrisoned inside a fortress of junk. Shot after shot, the players will fling junk at each other to smash open the fortress and take down the other team. Games are played 1v1 between two players. Players each take control of a team of three customized Angrymals firing a huge range of absurd weapons at each other to destroy the enemy fortress and knock out the opponent’s Angrymals. Players will be able to earn Chaos Shards in-game through various channels, such as by winning PvP matches, Tournaments, designing and selling popular fortress designs, amongst other ways. They can then be combined to create Chaos Orbs, however, the player must own an NFT in order to access the conversion functionality. Chaos Orbs can also be earned directly through leaderboard rewards, provided directly to the top players of the ranked leaderboard at the end of each season. There may also be special cases where Chaos Orbs will be given out as part of an event or promotion.