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    SolFruit Aurora Dist


    Approvisionnement 120



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    "Sol City  The streets of Sol City are filled with degens waiting around every corner. Each of the 5 districts strive for total control of the others. The first to stake their claim are the 1111 Cyberpunks of the Aurora District. Each SolFruit is curated with clues to their own backstory, skills and affiliations, all ripe for their origin story to be told. Which district will reign and which SolFruit will rise above all?  Aurora District  The first district of Sol City to be minted to the Solana blockchain is the Aurora District. Run by the 1111 Cyberpunks that control and influence the stream of information no matter the source. Sneaker-Net to Full-Dive. This crew knows more about you than even you could acquire. Using this information, the Cyberpunks stay one step ahead of their enemies by simply predicting their movements. Physical or psionic strength doesn't matter when your opponent already knows what you're going to do.  SolFruit  The SolFruit collections is a total of 5555 SolFruit minting in 5 steps. 1 District, 1111 SolFruit arrive on chain. District 1, the Aurora District is currently live and ready to prepare for a riot! Join the fight before NeoTokyo prepares for war."