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    S.C. SolBattle


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    The idea of our project is to connect the NFT-world with the real life. We want to create something that has never existed before. Our project is dedicated to all the chess lovers in the NFT scene. There are 32 individual non-fungible tokens, one for each chess piece. Each color of pieces (black and white) has its own fictional theme. Black pieces represent the army of hell while white pieces illustrate the army of heaven. We focus on the conflict between those two sides, in the real chess world just as in our art. In order to include the entire community, you get to choose between heaven and hell: Which front are you willing to fight for? On the discord channel you can actually claim your role and exchange with fellow soldiers. On top of everything, the conflicting parts of the community can stage the battle in a real chess game. A real chess game between Team Heaven and Team Hell. This chess match will be live displayed on our social media such as discord and twitter. For 16 days straight there will be two NFTs launched every single day: One of Team hell and one of Team heaven. Each NFT will be for sale here on Solsea. With every buy of a NFT (only buys directly from the developers, no resales) the purchaser will unlock the ability to make a move in the live displayed chess match. After you contacted the developers, you can only make moves for the side you bought the chessman of. This move will shortly be applied to the game. Sometimes though players are put in queue and have to wait for their chess move since both sides (black and white) take turns in chess and the same team cannot move twice in a row. For 24 hours after the purchase, you can send in your move. After that the developers pull the move for the respective side. As soon as all 32 Supernatural Chessmen NFTs have been bought there will be additional NFTs that can be bought to make a move for your team in the chess game. Those NFTs will not be chess pieces but just simple and cheap coins that are worth one move. Those coins will be available as long as the chess game goes on. With the end of the chess game there will be no more mints.