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Sick Bunny Anti Solcial Club


WELCOME Welcome to Sick Bunny Anti Social Club, a 2.022 NFTs collection inspired by a rabbit who has lost his mind. HISTORY His real name is Sid but everyone calls him Sick. Is an extravagant rabbit who suffers a multiple personality disorder and recently escaped from the mental hospital where he was interned for years. He is very eccentric and has a fortune in Solana, which allows him to live a clandestine life full of excesses, always hidden and disguised. ABOUT THE COLLECTION This collection is made up of 2.022 Sick Bunnys, generated programmatically from hundreds of variations in their colors, features, expressions and clothing. Only 22 Sick Bunnys in this collection are legendary, this means that they have much more rare and special characteristics than the others. Each bunny functions as a membership card for the Sick Bunny Anti Social Club, granting access to exclusive future benefits.