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There is a different kind of love, everyone associates it in their own way and everyone felt it. You can list for a long time how different it is (human, sports, games, art, animals, work, communication, objects and much more), the main thing is not to stop loving! 2222 Hearts transmitting love. 12 unique types of hearts in 12 colors, 12 backgrounds, 24 types of faces, a new heart with emotions every week.

Crypto Heart #2



Theory of red

Type of heart

Usual with spikes

Heart Color






This heart is expressed by bright emotions, a bold nature, but at the same time kind at heart, the background also emphasizes passion and involvement. The story from the author(me) about the picture: Laughter, joy and enthusiastic communication, in my opinion, cause a piece of happiness. When you are in a circle of people who are pleasant to you and you experience feelings as depicted in the picture, then for a while you forget about the hardships and problems, you want to share your opinion or keep a conversation with a smile on your face, and convey positive emotions to those who are next to you.
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Crypto Heart #2

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Adresse de vente :AByV...s1CN
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