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There is a different kind of love, everyone associates it in their own way and everyone felt it. You can list for a long time how different it is (human, sports, games, art, animals, work, communication, objects and much more), the main thing is not to stop loving! 2222 Hearts transmitting love. 12 unique types of hearts in 12 colors, 12 backgrounds, 24 types of faces, a new heart with emotions every week.

Crypto Heart #3



Descendant of jade

Type of heart


Heart Color





Smiling or Angry

It shows how people are manipulated by emotions and the background color proves uncertainty. Filled with rage, an argument or swearing is about to begin unilaterally. The story from the author (me) about the picture: I have a sister and a brother who are several years older than me, as a child they often scolded me and beat me, but they did it instructively - punished, but even so it hurt, but I am very grateful to them for this, because education can be different, someone may disagree with this method, but still in my case it went for the good. And you know, I love my sister and brother endlessly. Regarding the drawing, I tried to express emotions both angry and love.
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Crypto Heart #3

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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